Successful Traders

Mariusz Beat The Bootcamp and is Now Trading a $100K Funded Account

March 3, 2022 | 4:36 pm | Successful Traders
March 3, 2022 | 4:36 pm
Successful Traders
Mariusz Beat The Bootcamp and is Now Trading a $100K Funded Account

First, you need to analyze yourself, your emotions, and your thoughts to be consistent. That’s Mariusz’s Advice.

Mariusz P, 46 years old, From Poland.

Mariusz has just successfully passed the Bootcamp challenge. He is now one of The5ers funded traders and is trading with a $100K funded account on our platform.

His next mission is to reach 5% of profit to pass to the next level.

We spoke with Mariusz about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the Forex market and our platform as a funded trader.

Click here for more Inspirations lessons and interviews from our professionally funded traders.


Mariusz P The5%ers funded account - $100K Funded Account


Mariusz P The5%ers graph - $100K Funded Account


Mariusz P The5%ers best profit

Mariusz P The5%ers total deals


Mariusz P The5%ers symbols data - $100K Funded Account


  • Tell us a little bit about you.
    I am Polish, but I have been working and living in Austria for six years. I hope to become a full-time trader.


  • How long have you been trading?
    I have been trading for six years, and I am a swing trader.


  • Briefly describe your Trading Plan and how it contributes to your success.
    I enter after the correction on the interval M15, h1, in line with the trend from H4, D1.


  • Share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it?
    I was making mistakes like missing a stop loss and trades too big. But with The5ers, I eliminated it. Because here I have to place stop losses :).


  • How did you adjust risk management to your trading personality?
    I am an impulsive trader, and I’m always working on patience all the time.


  • Describe a key moment in your trading career.
    Understanding that the market is neutral does not generate any emotions, and emotions only appear in our heads. And, trading is just the probability of events, plus the trader’s advantage.


  • How long it took for you to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change that helped you to become consistent?
    It’s taking a while, but I’m still working on consistency. It’s an ongoing process.



  • What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it?
    First, you need to analyze yourself, your emotions, and your thoughts—That’s What I say if you are looking to become consistent.


  • What was your strategy to successfully pass The5%ers’ First Level?
    My strategy to pass The5ers challenge is trading with the trend.


  • How is trading for the5ers different from trading by yourself?
    It is better because you require to stop losses and a maximum of 1% loss on your deposit positions – which is too much anyway. It should be a maximum of 0.25% 🙂


  • What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?
    Buy and trade cheap challenges at The5ers, and you’ll save a lot of money.


  • Share online resources that were/are significant in your trading development. Name and links are appreciated.
    Mark Douglas “In a Trance of Investing”


  • Would you like to share anything else with us?
    $ 100K BOOTCAMP is the best program in the world. You can scale your account up to $ 4 MILLION!!!


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The5%ers let you trade the company’s capital, You get to take 50% of the profit, we cover the losses. Get your trading evaluated and become a Forex funded account trader.

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