Una cuenta de trading mayor por cada 10% de la ganancia obtenida en los programas de Riesgo Bajo.
Una cuenta de trading mayor por cada 25% de ganancia obtenida en los programas Agresivos.
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Maximum Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $20,000 | $1,400 | $1,200 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $80,000 | $8,000 | $4,800 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $160,000 | $16,000 | $6,400 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $320,000 | $32,000 | $12,800 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $640,000 | $64,000 | $25,600 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $1,280,000 | $128,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $2,560,000 | $256,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:10 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Maximum Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $10,000 | $600 | $600 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $40,000 | $4,000 | $2,400 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $80,000 | $8,000 | $3,200 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $160,000 | $16,000 | $6,400 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $320,000 | $32,000 | $12,800 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $640,000 | $64,000 | $25,600 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $1,280,000 | $128,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $2,560,000 | $256,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 9 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:10 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Maximum Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $6,000 | $375 | $360 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $24,000 | $2,400 | $1,440 (6%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $48,000 | $4,800 | $1,920 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $96,000 | $9,600 | $3,840 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $192,000 | $19,200 | $7,680 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $384,000 | $38,400 | $15,360 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $768,000 | $76,800 | $30,720 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $1,280,000 | $128,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 9 | $2,560,000 | $256,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:10 |
Funded Trader LV 10 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:10 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Max Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $20,000 | $2400 | $1,200 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $80,000 | $20,000 | $4,800 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $160,000 | $40,000 | $6,400 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $320,000 | $80,000 | $12,800 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $640,000 | $160,000 | $25,600 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $1,280,000 | $320,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $2,560,000 | $640,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:30 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Max Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $10,000 | $1200 | $600 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $40,000 | $10,000 | $2,400 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $80,000 | $20,000 | $3,200 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $160,000 | $40,000 | $6,400 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $320,000 | $80,000 | $12,800 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $640,000 | $160,000 | $25,600 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $1,280,000 | $320,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $2,560,000 | $640,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 9 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:30 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Max Loss | Leverage |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $6,000 | $720 | $360 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $24,000 | $6000 | $1,440 (6%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $48,000 | $12,000 | $1,920 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $96,000 | $24,000 | $3,840 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $192,000 | $48,000 | $7,680 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $384,000 | $96,000 | $15,360 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $768,000 | $192,000 | $30,720 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $1,280,000 | $320,000 | $51,200 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 9 | $2,560,000 | $640,000 | $102,400 (4%) | 1:30 |
Funded Trader LV 10 | $4,000,000 | NA | $160,000 (4%) | 1:30 |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Maximum Loss | Leverage | Max Stoploss |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $20,000 | $2400 | $800 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $80,000 | $20,000 | $3,200 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $160,000 | $40,000 | $6,400 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $320,000 | $80,000 | $12,800 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $640,000 | $160,000 | $25,600 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $1,280,000 | NA | $51,200 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Absolute Drawdown | Leverage | Max Stoploss |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $10,000 | $1200 | $400 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $40,000 | $10,000 | $1,600 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $80,000 | $20,000 | $3,200 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $160,000 | $40,000 | $6,400 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $320,000 | $80,000 | $12,800 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $640,000 | $160,000 | $25,600 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $1,280,000 | NA | $51,200 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Program Level | Initial Balance | Milestone Target | Absolute Drawdown | Leverage | Max Stoploss |
Funded Trader LV 1 | $6,000 | $720 | $250 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 2 | $24,000 | $6000 | $1,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 3 | $48,000 | $12,000 | $2,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 4 | $96,000 | $24,000 | $4,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 5 | $192,000 | $48,000 | $8,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 6 | $384,000 | $96,000 | $16,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 7 | $768,000 | $192,000 | $32,000 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Funded Trader LV 8 | $1,280,000 | NA | $51,200 | 1:30 | Not Required |
Nuestra creencia es que "sólo con capital, se puede generar aún más capital". Esta es la razón por la que ofrecemos a los traders la oportunidad de unirse a nuestro programa. Proporcionamos a los traders de forex un plan de crecimiento incomparable que se expande en base a sus logros en el trading. Un saldo de 1 millón de dólares no es el límite, ¡y lo decimos en serio!
Una vez que alcances con éxito cada nivel de ganancia requerido, tu crecimiento acelerado te colocará a ti y a tu vida cómodamente en el asiento ganador. Las ganancias se pagan en la misma fecha mensualmente. Utilizamos un sistema de pago organizado y consistente, y tus ganancias son procesadas a tiempo.
Somos un programa de financiación amistoso para las operaciónes serias del mercado de divisas. No hay ganancias mínimas que alcanzar ni límites de cuánto puedes ganar para ti mismo. No hay obligaciones para nuestro programa. Sólo demuestra que eres un trader capaz y acepta nuestros términos y condiciones.
A medida que sus niveles de rendimiento aumenten con verdadera consistencia y responsabilidad, nuestro equipo de Financiación de Capital evaluará su perfil y le proporcionará una mayor liquidez de capital. Al obtener una curva de capital que sube constantemente, también aumentará su flexibilidad para operar y habrá fondos adicionales disponibles para ti. Este programa fue diseñado para tu crecimiento y es simple: con cada objetivo de ganancia que obtengas, el equipo de financiación de capital duplicará tu capital para operar. ¡Eso es crecimiento exponencial!
Demuéstranos que tu operación es consistente y responsable, y tanto tu perfil como tu cuenta serán recompensados. Con gusto te proporcionaremos y potenciaremos con fondos de capital adicionales para que seas el mejor operador de divisas y obtengas ganancias. A medida que tu curva de capital muestre un crecimiento constante, también lo hará el crecimiento de tus ganancias en tu cuenta. Con nuestro sencillo principio – crecimiento consistente, gradual y medible, por cada objetivo de ganancias que obtengas, nuestro exclusivo equipo de Financiación de Capital duplicará, (sí, duplicará), el saldo de tu cuenta.
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The5ers, a prop trading firm, offers aspiring forex traders a platform to develop their skills and potentially secure funding. The5ers is NOT a broker and does NOT provide financial, exchange, investment or consulting services, it does NOT hold client funds. The platform displayed on this website serves demonstration purposes only.
By logging into the The5ers platform, you declare that you understand that the platform presents full functionalities but depositing funds and withdrawals are not possible as it serves demonstration purposes only.
Our platform simulates real-world market conditions so you can hone your forex trading skills. However, depositing and withdrawing funds is not available.
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The Services Provided on This Website Are Professional Skill-Assessment Services. The Outcome of The Proposed Services Is Necessarily Determined by The Individual Professional Skill Level and Ability to Perform Under the Program Guidelines and Objectives as Elaborated for Each Service Separately. Clients Are Advised to Conclude a Thorough Study of The Requirements of The Program Before Signing Up for Any of The Services.
We Do Not Provide Service to These Countries; United States, Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Cuba, Congo Republic, Crimea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Laos, Liberia, Libya, Myanmar, North Korea, Palestinian Territory, Papua New Guinea, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Vanuatu, Venezuela and Yemen.
Hypothetical Performance Results Have Many Inherent Limitations, Some of Which Are Described Below. No Representation Is Being Made That Any Account Will or Is Likely to Achieve Profits or Losses Similar to Those Shown; In Fact, There Are Frequently Sharp Differences Between Hypothetical Performance Results and The Actual Results Subsequently Achieved by Any Particular Trading Program. One Of the Limitations of Hypothetical Performance Results Is That They Are Generally Prepared with The Benefit of Hindsight. In Addition, Hypothetical Trading Does Not Involve Financial Risk, And No Hypothetical Trading Record Can Completely Account for The Impact of Financial Risk of Actual Trading. For Example, The Ability to Withstand Losses or To Adhere to A Particular Trading Program despite Trading Losses Are Material Points Which Can Also Adversely Affect Actual Trading Results. There Are Numerous Other Factors Related to The Markets in General or To the Implementation of Any Specific Trading Program Which Cannot Be Fully Accounted for In the Preparation of Hypothetical Performance Results and All Which Can Adversely Affect Trading Results.
Testimonials Appearing on This Website May Not Be Representative of Other Clients or Customers and Is Not a Guarantee of Future Performance or Success.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Furthermore, the information and services offered by us are not intended for individuals residing in jurisdictions where the distribution or use of such information would be in violation of local laws or regulations.