Successful Traders

A $100K Funded Trader Setup – Interview With Alexandros

July 18, 2024 | 5:22 pm | Successful Traders
July 18, 2024 | 5:22 pm
Successful Traders

Alexandros is one of The5er’s $100K High-Stakes funded traders. He withdrew $1,399 overall. 

His next mission is to reach 10% to scale his High-Stakes account to $125K.

We spoke with Alexandros about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the markets and our platform as a funded trader.

Click here for more inspirational lessons and interviews with our professionally funded traders.

Watch Alexandros Interview

Alexandros $100K High-Stakes Step One

Alexandros  $100K High-Stakes Account Step One - The5ers


Alexandros $100K High-Stakes Step Two

Alexandros  $100K High-Stakes Account Step Two - The5ers



Tell us a little bit about you.

I’m half Greek and half Romanian, and when I finished high school, I started to trade. I love traveling and freedom, so that’s why I chose trading. I never gave up, so that’s why, right now, I’m living just on what I make in trading.

How long have you been trading?

I am a full-time trader for 6 years.

Briefly describe your Trading Plan and how it contributes to your success.

My plan is pretty simple. I’m waiting all the time for the perfect set up and wait for it to play out. I also love investing, so I take a lot of long-term trades.

Please share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it.

I overleveraged markets in the beginning, and I overcame it with discipline over the years.

Describe a key moment in your trading career

When I learned about prop firms

How long does it take to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change that helped you become consistent?

It took me about 2 years, and I changed my whole mindset about trading.


What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it?

My mental strength I can say that is at a very good level, and I developed it in time

What was your strategy to successfully pass The5ers’ evaluation?

My strategy is always pretty much the same; I’ll be honest that I am usually a lot more aggressive with challenge phases because targets are big, and I open larger positions so I can hit the targets faster.

How is trading for The5ers different from trading by yourself?

Nothing different, all the same

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?

I would recommend to make a plan and execute it exactly as it is meant to be

Please share online resources that were/are significant in your trading development.

Theforexscalpers, gameoftrades, cryptonary.


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