Forex Blog

TradingView And The5ers – Stop Strategy Jumping

May 17, 2023 | 5:34 am | Forex Blog
May 17, 2023 | 5:34 am
Forex Blog
TradingView and The5ers - Stop Strategy Jumping

TradingView and The5ers

This video was chosen by TradingView to open their weekly email; it explains the stop strategy jumping and how to avoid it.

This video by our senior analyst Jordon explains one of the biggest challenges that every retail trader faces on their journey to becoming a successful forex trader.


Stop Strategy Jumping

I recommend you sit down and listen to this. Have a think about whether it relates to you or whether you found yourself in this position, or even if you’ve gone through this position, and share your experience on how you go through it.

Many traders struggle with their strategy, jumping from aspects of trading, and that’s why so many educators out there make a lot of money off them. It is time to stop.

In this video, I outlay a challenge that I put to all the traders who may find themselves in this position to sit down and to thoroughly test their current or previous strategies and understand them on a deeper level—no more jumping around, no more looking outwards. Let’s start looking inwards. Let’s see the data that we have handed to us and what we can do to improve that data.

If you want to watch more of Jordon’s videos or join the live trading room, follow him at TradeDelicious


Watch Jordon’s Video About Stop Strategy Jumping



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