Forex Blog

Join Us For The Trading Festival Of The Year And Compete for $2.5M In Prizes

April 26, 2023 | 2:58 pm | Forex Blog
April 26, 2023 | 2:58 pm
Forex Blog

Join Us For The Trading Festival Of The Year And Get A FREE Trading Account

The Best Trading Festival of 2023, London, June 17

💥Accelerate your trading while having a blast 💥

What makes it so unmissable:

⭐FREE Trading Account with Platinum & Gold Tickets

⭐Top traders from across the globe – 20 live lectures

⭐Traders Day tournament – $2.5 Million in prizes

⭐Exclusive interactive workshops

⭐Beer, Lunch, and snacks

⭐Trader stand-up comedy

⭐Grab a beer with us in the nearest pub after the event

⭐Get your trader goodie-bag

 Reserve your seat now

🫵Get ready – Top Traders, Competitions, Gaming, And A Lot Of Beer


Our Speakers Agenda

We are proud to bring top traders from across the globe – 100% education—0% sales pitch.

Here are some of the main speaker lectures:

Charlie Burton, Risk & Money Manager and regular guest on BBC – The number 1 reason why trading is so difficult?

Mark Holstead, Equities Specialist and the host of “UK spread Betting” – Strategy development – Price Action Day Trading Strategies.

Martyn Tinsley, A Pro Algorithmic Fund Manager – Improving Returns using Probabilistic Risk Management.

Paul Scott, Professional Forex Trader – Trading Like an Institutional Trader – Key differences between Institutional and Retail Traders


Traders Day Tournament – $2.5 Million in Prizes
Traders Day tournament - $2.5 Million in prizes

Join the Traders Day Live tournament and try to beat other traders.

Prove your skills at the largest on-stage trading tournament. Think you are a trading rock star? Prove your trading skills to get to the top and earn prizes.

What does the tournament include?

🌟$2.5 Million in Prizes

🌟Forex and stocks head to head

🌟Real-time data feed

🌟2 hours of excitement and adrenaline

🌟Prizes with different criteria

🌟Participation is free to all attendees

Participation is free to all attendees, but registration is limited and required.


Grab A Beer With Us!

After a long and successful day, we all like to have a nice cold beer, so we’ve closed the nearest pub to the venue and will go together to celebrate and enjoy.

See you at the trading festival


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