Successful Traders

-25.22% Drawdown – With Other Prop Firms He Would Fail – With The5ers He’s Funded

May 13, 2022 | 4:42 am | Successful Traders
May 13, 2022 | 4:42 am
Successful Traders
-25.22% Drawdown - With Other Prop Firms He Would Fail - With The5ers He's Funded

The Freestyle program is changing the industry standards

Adam F,  From the United States.

Adam has just successfully passed our Freestyle program. He made an amazing recovery from -25.22% Drawdown. He is now one of The5ers funded traders and is trading with a 50K funded account on our platform.

From now on, every profit he gains is 100% his. His next mission is to complete another 100 trades and keep a consistent performance to grow his Freestyle account.

We spoke with Adam about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the Forex market and our platform as a funded trader.

Click here for more Inspirations lessons and interviews from our professionally funded traders.


Adam F The5%ers Freestyle funded account with The5ers


Adam F The5%ers Freestyle funded account - PROFIT FACTORS


Adam F The5%ers Freestyle factors parameters


Watch The Interview With Adam



Click here for more details about the Freestyle program.


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