Successful Traders

I Traded With More Discipline And Made $14K Thanks to The5ers Bootcamp

July 19, 2023 | 4:38 pm | Successful Traders
July 19, 2023 | 4:38 pm
Successful Traders
I Traded With More Discipline And Made $14,000 Thanks to The5ers Bootcamp

Pick one or two pair per day with the highest probability that fit your trading plan

Heri S, 43 years old, From Indonesia.

Heri successfully passed and scaled up his Bootcamp account. He is now trading the $150K funded account.

His next objective is to reach a 5% profit to scale up his account to $175K.

We spoke with Heri about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the Forex market and our platform as a funded trader.

Click here for more Inspirations lessons and interviews from our professionally funded traders.


Heri’s $100K Funded Bootcamp account

Heri $100K Bootcamp funded trader with The5ers graph


Heri $100K Bootcamp funded trader with The5ers advance statistic


Heri’s $125K Funded Bootcamp account


Heri $125K Bootcamp funded trader with The5ers graph


Heri $125K Bootcamp funded trader with The5ers advance statistic



  • Tell us a little bit about you.
    I have more than 10 years of professional background in financial planning and control and business development in agro-industry and retail business with a degree in Math and a master’s in Business. For the last 4 years, I have decided to learn to trade and become a full-time trader for the last 2 years.


  • How long have you been trading?
    I starts 4 years ago I have been a full-time trader for 2 years.


  • Briefly describe your Trading Plan and how it contributes to your success.
    I start the analysis process from the big picture: do an analysis on currency strength and then do a trend analysis on the 1D/4H/1H timeframe. By doing this cycle analysis, it helps me find trending currency pair and proper potential entries with good RR.


  • Please share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it.
    The hard Challenge was when I continuously lost in the first 3 years of trading. At the end of my second year of trading, I started looking for a mentor that could help me trade better. But for the first year after taking mentorship, I still failed in setting good trade. The trade gives better results when I start to notice how the market structure works and implement it in my trading plan.


  • How did you adjust risk management to your trading personality?
    I use 0.1% risk per trade.


  • Describe a key moment in your trading career.
    A key moment is when you understand how multiple timeframe analyses help you set up a better trading plan.


  • How long does it take to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change that helped you become consistent?
    It took more than a year after taking the mentorship program. Focus on chart analysis, take a specific time for the trade, and do the cycle trading plan consistently.



  • What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it?
    Mental strength: persistent, having goals to reach gives you endless motivation to consistently improve trading plan implementation for a better result.


  • What was your strategy to successfully pass The5ers’ First Level?
    Pick one or two pair per day with the highest probability that fit my trading plan.


  • How is trading for the5ers different from trading by yourself?
    The5ers help me trade more discipline with its max drawdown rule, and The5ers help me grow faster.


  • What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?
    Focus on training your trading plan and consistently implement it in your trading activity.


  • Share online resources that were/are significant in your trading development.
    My trading mentor: Michael (YouTube channel: storehouse analytics)


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